
Source: LittleParade

Who am I?

It’s Sya (she/they), your local someone or whatever.

I do International Relations, focusing on cultural relations and propagation both globally and in the Eurasian region

I also make music and content sometimes.

But who am I, really?

I’m, uh, Sya…?

But jokes aside, I’m a neurodivergent anarchist leaning demi-lesbian polyam-leaning trans girl.

I do research and just general study thingies most of the time, interested in structural and post-modernist analysis of pop culture and internet zeitgeist and its implications to gender and sexuality minority groups.

I make music too, mostly queercore and riot grrrl-esque bedroom punk. Basically incorporating the shittiness of my cheap equipment into it.

I’m also a VJ and general audiovisual and stage person. Numerous experience in doing audiovisual and FoH works, plus making soundscapes in my free time just because.

Where you can find me?


Research and Writings


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